This Project will implement the all Elements; line, shape, form, color, texture, space, & value with all the Principles; pattern, contrast, emphasis, balance, proportion, harmony, & movement. Take time to study the piece, prior to drawing it, in order to understand “what” and “why” you are creating. You will need a sheet of 9×12 Bristol Paper, Pencil, Kneaded Eraser, Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth Woodless Colored Pencils, Colorless Blender, Electric Eraser, Black & White Prismacolor Pencils to complete “Under the Sea.”
Step 1- Draw a horizon line 2 1/2 inches down from the top of the paper. Draw the water, up front, represented by two wavy lines. Use the photo as a reference and draw the plant in the foreground. *Notice, the plant is drawn by overlapping leaves behind each other to imply depth. Draw the rock using squiggles going back and forth. Extend a line, from the tips of the two points, of the rock (that extend outwards) down towards the bottom. Draw coral in the foreground (on the left side of the plant) using long narrow loops and coral (that resembles a flower) on top of the rock. Block out the area around the coral (on the rock) that will represent algae. Lastly, draw coral coming from the side of the page. The coral looks like upside down cones or bells.
Step 2- Draw the Orca. (Quick note… If you look at the completed piece, I omitted the splash on top of the water. Disregard the splash on your drawing)
*Remember to omit the splash on top of the water. If you have different colored pencils, look at the colors on the 3rd picture (in this step), and try to match them accordingly. Do not match according to the product description of the color, in this set, because it is deceiving. For example, the pencil labeled dark green is actually a light teal or aqua.
Step 3- Using the dark green, dark blue, light blue, & sky blue begin shading the top of the water with all the colors. Focus on the dark green (teal) in the front gradually turning sky blue & light blue (dark blue) back towards the horizon line. *Notice, I shade using horizontal lines (hatching) independently overlapping each other. Color underwater using the same technique and value study, lighter at the top and getting darker as it descends. Keep overlapping, in horizontal strokes, then blend.
Step 4- Using a black pencil, color the fin and blend. Next, color the base light gray and blend. Color over the light gray with black and color the spot on the bottom with a white pencil. Color below the dorsal fin light gray, then color over with black and blend. Lastly, color the front of the dorsal fin light gray.
Step 5- Color the dorsal fin black. Outline the white spot and color the side of the orca light gray. Outline the fin in front and color black around the base. Color light gray around the black at the base of the front fin and white, under the mouth and the last spot. Zig zag light gray down the middle of the fin. Color the body black and blend.
Step 6- Color the top of the orca and above the white spot with light gray. Color the fin black and blend. Color the rest of the orca black. * Be careful not to color in the white areas. Color the inside edge of the last fin with light gray then, color the fin black and blend. Lightly shade under the head and belly with a black colored pencil. The shadow will enhance the form of the orca. *Look at picture above for reference. Lastly, take an electric eraser and erase squiggles under the orca, behind the tail, and top of the water.
Step 7- With scarlet lake, color inside the top, the stem, and outside of the cone or bell shaped coral. Color the rest of the coral with pink and blend. Using dark yellow, outline the inside of the coral on the rock, then fill in using the same color. Take light yellow and color the rest of the coral and blend.
Step 8- Outline, then color the rock with light gray. Color inside with dark violet. Color behind the plant in the foreground with light gray and a little bit of dark violet and blend. *See picture above. Outline the algae with hookers green and fill in area with small circles. Fill in the circles, in the algae, with light green and blend. With light gray, violet, and black overlap vertical lines (hatching) down the face of the rock, in the back, and blend.
Step 9- Outline the right edge of the coral with light vermilion (red). Draw curves down each branch of coral with light violet. Color in with carmine and blend. Outline the left edge of the plant with hookers green and the right side with dark yellow. Color over the right side of the plant with light green and the left side with sap green, then blend.
Step 10- Using paris blue, make zig zags down the rock. Zig zag over with dark violet and black and blend.
Step 11- Take an electric eraser and erase wide, horizontal squiggles over the rocks. Lightly shade dark green (teal) on the squiggles. Carefully blend the squiggles. Sharpen the (sky blue) color over the sky. Take a tissue and rub in circular strokes. * Make sure you leave room for clouds. Draw a silhouette of a man in a boat, color black, and blend. *Fine tune details and adjust colors.