Halloween Still Life

“Halloween Still Life” is a project that each student can personalize by carving/drawing their own face/image on the pumpkin in the “Still Life.” We will be using a pencil (HB, F, B) to initially draw the pumpkin, candle, and table cloth. The project uses colored pencils, colored pencil blender, black and white charcoal, stumps, kneaded […]

The Power of a Line

Beginning Art Project Art 1 Project Art 2 Project This Project is to illustrate the Power of a Line. The project begins with a continuous line that will eventually fill up the entire page. The trick is not to get caught in a corner or cross over to get out of the corner.  I know […]

Ballet and Converse

This project was picked especially for my “Art 2” students! “Ballet and Converse” is going to be rendered using graphite pencils, erasers, stumps, and brushes. When I drew the example, used in class, my students (who wear Converse) immediatly noticed a critical error on my sample! I drew the Converse shoe with 5 eyelits, not […]

White Wolf-Part 3

In White Wolf Part 3- We will draw the White Wolf and add any touch ups needed to complete the drawing.  Step 1- Carefully remove the Frisket off the wolf. Before you begin to render the wolf, remember to cover your drawing with a piece of paper to protect your hand from smudging the background.  […]


  In order to draw realistically, you must know the techniques to depict the Texture of an object you are rendering.  So what is Texture? It is the look and feel of an object. There are 3 basic surfaces: Hard, Soft, and Rough. These are 7 ways an Artist achieves Texture which can be used separately or combined. 1. […]