Reductive Drawing

Commonly and understandably, people believe that art is created by applying a medium (graphite, charcoal, colored pencils, pastels) on to surface. Artwork can also be produced by taking away, of a medium, using erasers, referred to as Reductive Drawing. Use this picture as a reference photo for the following project. I will be using a […]

Private Student’s Artwork

All Artwork created by students ranging in ages from 8-18. Mediums include Acrylic, Watercolor, Graphite, Charcoal, Colored Pencils, Chalk Pastels, and Pen & Ink.

Your Personal Story

This project will be a “work in progress” thoughout the school year. It is a multi-media project using Pen & Ink and Colored Pencils. The main objective is to tell your story, at this time in your life, with images and text. In addition, you will incorporate all of the “Elements and Principles” of art. […]

Wolf Portrait

Drawing a Wolf’s Portrait is easier than you think, if you follow a simple Grid. (A Framework or Pattern of Criss-Crossed, Parallel, or Diagonal Lines that can be used as Guidelines for the Placement of Drawn Objects.) To draw the Wolf Portrait you will need a pencil (2B,HB, or F), plastic eraser, kneaded eraser, black […]

“Portraits” Putting All The Parts Together- Part 2

  In Part 2 we will pick up where we left off in “Portraits”- Putting All The Parts Together-Part 1 and complete the steps to finish the Portrait of Marilyn Monroe. You may wonder why there are three images of Marilyn Monroe when I am drawing only one Portrait of her? As an Artist, you have the freedom to […]

“Portraits” Putting All The Parts Together- Part 1

For the past few weeks we have been breaking down Facial Features to study the unique qualities each feature possesses. It is now time to use a “real life” example and put all the steps together, including adding, subtracting, or altering steps to fit the subject you chose to draw. The “Check Back Method” will […]

Creating Art and Life

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Thoreau

“Portraits” Part 5- Hair

  There are many different types of hair, hairstyles, and shapes of heads. There are basic steps when you begin to draw hair. This lesson can be used as a guide, for you, when you begin to draw the Portrait you personally chose for class. This post is a recap of Wednesday’s lesson.  Step 1- […]

“Portraits” Part 4- Drawing Ears

  In the last class, I taught the steps to draw an ear, on a face looking to the side. Most Portraits face forward, so I will use this blog to teach you the steps required to draw an ear on a face looking straight ahead, using the reference photo above as a guide.  Step […]

“Portraits” Part 1- Eyes

In this next series of classes we will begin drawing “Portraits.” I will break down the features of the face beginning with the Eyes. This is a breakdown of the steps when drawing the Eye. * Keep in mind this is only a guide when you approach a Portrait, as every person has unique features […]