Private Student’s Artwork
All Artwork created by students ranging in ages from 8-18. Mediums include Acrylic, Watercolor, Graphite, Charcoal, Colored Pencils, Chalk Pastels, and Pen & Ink.
All Artwork created by students ranging in ages from 8-18. Mediums include Acrylic, Watercolor, Graphite, Charcoal, Colored Pencils, Chalk Pastels, and Pen & Ink.
This project will be a “work in progress” thoughout the school year. It is a multi-media project using Pen & Ink and Colored Pencils. The main objective is to tell your story, at this time in your life, with images and text. In addition, you will incorporate all of the “Elements and Principles” of art. […]
In order to begin, you must understand the basic rules of 2 Point Perspective. I will apply the rules to begin a cityscape illustrating buildings from different areas. Look to this post, as a reference, and design your own unique cityscape. See the diagram below. Using this diagram, as a guide, begin the 2 Point […]
As we begin a new year, it is always good to remember techniques and methods to get yourself into the mindset of an Artist. Every Artist has their own way of approaching a particular piece of art and how they plan to apply the medium they’ve chosen. But, there are universal rules Artists […]
This project looks challenging but, in fact, is not. If you understand the rules of One Point Perspective you will be fine. *If you need to brush up on your skills, type 1 Point Perspective in the Search Bar at the top of my page and it will take you to the lesson. We will be applying […]
Drawing a 1 Point Perspective: Cityscape is easy, if you just follow the rules. I didn’t complete this Cityscape, in class, because I want you to follow these step by step instructions to give you a foundation to build upon (no pun intended) and create a unique Cityscape on your own. Step 1- Draw a Horizon Line […]
These are the steps, using 1 Point Perspective, to draw a 3 Dimensional room. Step 1- Draw a square. *Make sure the Vertical and Horizontal lines are Straight and equal. Step 2- Draw a Horizon Line about a one third down and a Vanishing Point in the center. Step 3- Take your pencil and put it […]