Reductive Drawing

Commonly and understandably, people believe that art is created by applying a medium (graphite, charcoal, colored pencils, pastels) on to surface. Artwork can also be produced by taking away, of a medium, using erasers, referred to as Reductive Drawing. Use this picture as a reference photo for the following project. I will be using a […]

Lion Portrait

This lesson will break down the steps to draw a “Portrait of a Lion” in Charcoal with a colored background. The steps are very simular to the “Portrait of a Wolf.” The Grid is altered to include the bigger features of a Lion.  Step 1- Using an HB, 2B, B, or F draw a horizontal line […]

White Wolf-Part 3

In White Wolf Part 3- We will draw the White Wolf and add any touch ups needed to complete the drawing.  Step 1- Carefully remove the Frisket off the wolf. Before you begin to render the wolf, remember to cover your drawing with a piece of paper to protect your hand from smudging the background.  […]

“Portraits” Putting All The Parts Together- Part 2

  In Part 2 we will pick up where we left off in “Portraits”- Putting All The Parts Together-Part 1 and complete the steps to finish the Portrait of Marilyn Monroe. You may wonder why there are three images of Marilyn Monroe when I am drawing only one Portrait of her? As an Artist, you have the freedom to […]

“Portraits” Putting All The Parts Together- Part 1

For the past few weeks we have been breaking down Facial Features to study the unique qualities each feature possesses. It is now time to use a “real life” example and put all the steps together, including adding, subtracting, or altering steps to fit the subject you chose to draw. The “Check Back Method” will […]

“Portraits” Part 5- Hair

  There are many different types of hair, hairstyles, and shapes of heads. There are basic steps when you begin to draw hair. This lesson can be used as a guide, for you, when you begin to draw the Portrait you personally chose for class. This post is a recap of Wednesday’s lesson.  Step 1- […]