Lion Portrait

This lesson will break down the steps to draw a “Portrait of a Lion” in Charcoal with a colored background. The steps are very simular to the “Portrait of a Wolf.” The Grid is altered to include the bigger features of a Lion.  Step 1- Using an HB, 2B, B, or F draw a horizontal line […]

Ballet and Converse

This project was picked especially for my “Art 2” students! “Ballet and Converse” is going to be rendered using graphite pencils, erasers, stumps, and brushes. When I drew the example, used in class, my students (who wear Converse) immediatly noticed a critical error on my sample! I drew the Converse shoe with 5 eyelits, not […]

Anamorphic Art: Cavern- Part 2

Before you begin, make sure you pick up the extra graphite on your paper with a kneaded eraser, cleaning often, until you are left with an impression of your sketch. This step is important before you begin coloring to avoid your colors mixing with the graphite and looking dirty.  In order to begin you must […]

Anamorphic Art: Cavern- Part 1

In this lesson we will begin our next project which is called Anamorphic Art.  Steps 1-16- Begin by drawing the bridge. Refer to the numbers, in the diagrams below, to each step with its corresponding color. Some of the steps will be applied to both sides of the bridge.  Step 1- (Blue) Draw the bottom line, or […]

White Wolf-Part 3

In White Wolf Part 3- We will draw the White Wolf and add any touch ups needed to complete the drawing.  Step 1- Carefully remove the Frisket off the wolf. Before you begin to render the wolf, remember to cover your drawing with a piece of paper to protect your hand from smudging the background.  […]

White Wolf- Part 1

Welcome Art 2 Students! This year we have a lot of exciting and challenging projects planned! Our first project, is to draw a White Wolf using a variety of pencils. Each have unique qualities that expand the limitations a simple, yet effective, graphite pencil offers. We will begin with Step 1. Step 1- Draw a Contour Drawing of […]

“Portraits” Putting All The Parts Together- Part 2

  In Part 2 we will pick up where we left off in “Portraits”- Putting All The Parts Together-Part 1 and complete the steps to finish the Portrait of Marilyn Monroe. You may wonder why there are three images of Marilyn Monroe when I am drawing only one Portrait of her? As an Artist, you have the freedom to […]

“Portraits” Putting All The Parts Together- Part 1

For the past few weeks we have been breaking down Facial Features to study the unique qualities each feature possesses. It is now time to use a “real life” example and put all the steps together, including adding, subtracting, or altering steps to fit the subject you chose to draw. The “Check Back Method” will […]

Creating Art and Life

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Thoreau

“Portraits” Part 4- Drawing Ears

  In the last class, I taught the steps to draw an ear, on a face looking to the side. Most Portraits face forward, so I will use this blog to teach you the steps required to draw an ear on a face looking straight ahead, using the reference photo above as a guide.  Step […]