As we begin a new year, it is always good to remember techniques and methods to get yourself into the mindset of an Artist. Every Artist has their own way of approaching a particular piece of art and how they plan to apply the medium they’ve chosen. But, there are universal rules Artists would all agree upon.
- Remember to use the “Check Back Method” if you are looking at a subject you’ve chosen to draw. If you are not familar with this method, it means to look more at what you are drawing than at your drawing. It is usually broken down in 4 seconds. (1, 2, 3, 4) 1, 2, & 4 is spent looking at your subject and 3 at your drawing.
- Draw what you see. NOT- What you think you see.
- Hold up your drawing and compare the angles or proportions using a pencil angled or divided to check your drawing against the subject. You can also compare curves, shapes, etc. and make adjustments.
- Always be aware if you are scaling up, scaling down, or if it’s the same size.
- Block out all the different assigned areas to make sure everything will fit.
- Use the rule of thirds, unless the Positive Space fills up the whole area.
- Look at the Negative Space around the Positive Space and the shape/s it makes. *Sometimes the Positive Space appears by drawing the Negative Space.
- Understand your medium and what it can or cannot do.
- Always keep your materials clean and sharpened to your desired tip. *Don’t get lazy
- Use a hand guard to prevent your Artwork from smudging.
- Use a brush to carefully wipe off eraser or pencil dust. Charcoal and Chalk Pastels excluded.
- Slower is Faster. If you take your time, you will not waste time correcting mistakes.
- Step back and look at your Artwork. It’s not meant to be seen up close.
- While you are working on your Art, occasionally hold up your Artwork, an arms distance away, to make sure you are on the right track.
- Understand the rules of perspective.
- Understand texture and the different ways to achieve it.
- Will your Artwork have a Foreground, Middleground, Background, a combination, or just one?
- Remember how to achieve depth by value, space, or the weight of a line.
- Erasers are not solely used to correct mistakes, they’re used to draw.
- Never say “I can’t” because words have power.
- Trust in the process and be kind to yourself.
- Take a break if you get frustrated.
In closing… The tag line I chose for this website fits perfectly.
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Thoreau
Feel free to add any more tips in the comment section below!