In this next series of classes we will begin drawing “Portraits.” I will break down the features of the face beginning with the Eyes.
This is a breakdown of the steps when drawing the Eye. * Keep in mind this is only a guide when you approach a Portrait, as every person has unique features and some of the steps will have to be altered. In addition, this is an example of and eye on a face looking directly straight ahead.

Step 1- Draw a contour sketch of the eye including the tear duct. *Notice the shape is not a circle.
Step 2- Draw the Iris. It is important you make sure you don’t draw a complete circle inside the eye to represent the Iris. The upper and lower eye lid will always cut off the edges of the Iris, unless the eye is open really wide when the eye looks surprised.
Step 3- Draw the pupil and the light source that will be reflected off of the eye. The size of the pupil will vary so make sure you really look at the pupil you are drawing and represent the Iris correctly.
Step 4- Color in the pupil using a 4B or 5B pencil. *Make sure you don’t color over the reflection.