In Class 6- “Still Life Drawing” Part 1 we learned how to “Block“ and “Render” your “Still Life”. The next step is to isolate the “Values” in your drawing and sketch them (lightly) in. If you are having trouble finding the values, begin with the darkest value (black) and find the areas of your photograph that are black. Blur your eyes to see the shape the value is making and, using the grid, map out the area it is covering. Most of your shapes will resemble free-form organic shapes. The shadows cast on the side, sides, or inside a 3 dimensional object, as well as its cast shadow, (depending on the direction of the light source) will have a distinct shape or form.
Blocking and Rendering
Isolating the Values
Shading in the darkest Value
Using your “Value Finder,” identify the areas with the darkest value in your photograph and begin to shade, applying pressure, to the shapes you designated on your drawing, using a 7B or 8B pencil. Use a Stump to blend the shadows. *Make sure you use a piece of paper to cover the drawing when you are shading in the darkest value to protect it from smudging.
Next, you want to identify the lightest value on your “Still Life” photograph. If the lightest value is white (number 1 on your “Value Finder”) and the paper you are using is white, that area requires no shading. But you must protect the white value from being covered over accidentally or lost within your drawing while you are shading in the values in between, (8-2 on the “Value Finder”) or typically referred to as “Shades of Gray.”
In Class 8 – “Still Life Drawing” Part 3 we will complete the drawing.
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