In the last class, I taught the steps to draw an ear, on a face looking to the side. Most Portraits face forward, so I will use this blog to teach you the steps required to draw an ear on a face looking straight ahead, using the reference photo above as a guide.
Step 1- Draw an outline of the ear. Notice the ear curves in, at the middle. Always draw the areas that surround the ear. For example, hair, sideburns, and neck.
Step 2- Look at the diagram above that identify the different parts of the ear. Begin to sketch in the parts that are visible in the photograph. I put an x in an area that will have shadow.
*Use the “Check Back Method” when you draw at all times. You will actually draw faster if you draw slower. I know it doesn’t make sense, so let me explain. The faster you draw, the less time you will actually be drawing what you see. Important steps will be skipped. You spend more time trying to figuring out what went wrong and attempting to correct it. 90% of the time frustration sets in. You set your artwork aside and doubt yourself and your ability to draw Portraits.
Step 4- Draw in the shadows. This step is only used as a guide to assist you when you begin shading the ear. The ear is created mainly by Values, not lines. I put arrows to point out the parts of the ear, from the diagram above, that can be seen in the photo I am using as a reference.
Step 5- Shade in the Values inside the ear. Use your “Value Finder” to help you with the tight value studies within the ear. Note that the outside shape of the ear is now being outlined by hair, not by line. Use a blender and brush to soften the Values.
Step 6- Fine tune your drawing using your kneaded eraser to carefully lighten areas. Use a brush or a blender to softly glide over the values to even them out and fade into an area disappearing. Adjust any angles or curves by holding up your drawing to the photograph and comparing the two. Fine tune and adjust, then fine tune and adjust again. It’s all about the Value!
In the next post I will begin Class 13-“Portraits” Part 5- Drawing Hair.