Value Landscape

Wednesday in class we talked about Value and the different ways to achieve it to make your drawings more realistic.




Practice doing Value Studies with each of these techniques.

1. Shading
2. Hatching
3. Cross-Hatching
4. Squiggles
5. Circles
6. Stippling

We also did a study using erasers (white plastic,kneaded) to create a picture that incorporated-

1. Foreground
2. Middle Ground
3. Background

Using some of the techniques listed above to create texture (this time by taking away value with the erasers) to render a landscape.

TIP: Constantly clean your erasers on a clean piece of paper or knead them in order for your erasers to work. Shape your kneaded eraser to the shape of the texture you are creating. It is important to make sure your kneaded eraser is sturdy not weak and flimsy when pointed or creased

1. Begin by covering your paper with graphite.


2. Pull out value (erase) creating mountains in the background.


3. Horizon line


4. Begin with the tree trunk w/ roots and branches (implied, not connected) in the Foreground.


5. Use the Stippling technique with your kneaded eraser, cleaning and reshaping often, tapping and pressing and twisting over the implied branches creating leaves.


6. Clean and press your kneaded eraser or use a sharp edge of your white eraser, Hatching, in the Foreground, in different directions creating grass. Make the strokes smaller as you go up.


7. Create the Middle Ground by using Horizontal strokes sparingly with kneaded eraser.


8. If you want…. You can create a path from the background through the middle ground and end in the foreground by using your kneaded eraser with horizontal strokes. *** I will go over Perspective and how to achieve it soon in class.


9. You can soften the picture using your stumps as well as create more shadow in certain areas.


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