In this lesson we will begin our next project which is called Anamorphic Art.
Steps 1-16- Begin by drawing the bridge. Refer to the numbers, in the diagrams below, to each step with its corresponding color. Some of the steps will be applied to both sides of the bridge.
Step 1- (Blue) Draw the bottom line, or the base of the bridge. Pay close attention to the angles. *Notice the angles are not parallel. In addition, make sure they are not to close or to far apart.
Draw the back arc of bridge (numbered Steps 2-5) before the front (numbered Steps 5-8) arc of the bridge.
Step 2- (Green) Draw an arc that will represent the side of the bridge. *Notice the arc begins and ends forming a triangle.
Step 3- (Yellow) Draw a narrow line, that will represent the side of the bricks on top of the bridge. The line will begin and end at a narrow point and slightly form an arc on top.
Step 5- (Purple)(Please complete step 5 before step 4) Draw a small diagonal line, which is the base, on the left side of each bridge. The top of this line will be the starting point where you will draw the arc that will represent the top side of the bricks on the bridge.
Step 4- (Red) Draw the top arc of the bridge. Make sure you start the arc at the top of the diagonal line you just drew in Step 5. The arc must be wider to depict the top stones, but make sure the line narrows when going down towards the right side of the bridge. It is important the line starts and ends in a smooth curve, not bumpy or to high that your arc is forced to dive down in order to end at a narrow point. The narrowing of the arcs, on both sides of the bridge, is crucial to create depth and the Anamorphic Illusion.
Repeat Steps 1-5 on numbers 6, 7, 8, and (9 was drawn during Step 1) on the diagram above, when drawing the bridge in front. Notice the little adjustments, in size, on both bridges. Follow the direction of my angles and make sure each brick, on top, begins at the vertical line, that depicts the side, to create the brick on top.
Step 6- (Purple) Draw the bricks. Notice the bricks on the front are vertical. The bricks on the top are diagonal and tilt towards the right as they move up and down the bridge. Connect the top bricks to the sides of each brick with a vertical line. Make sure your spacing does not make your bricks look to small or to long. The bricks, on the bottom must be independent of the bricks on top. What gives any wall, bridge, arc and etc. strength is the bricks must be placed unevenly on top of each other on every row. Not placed one exactly on top of the other, making perfect rows going up and on the sides. *Notice, the bricks form rectangular shapes, not squares. It is important you see the sides of the bricks, on the top bricks of the bridge, in order to achieve the illusion.
Step 10- (Black) Draw the shadow cast by the bridge on top.
Step 11- (Blue) Draw vertical lines, going down, to begin the front of the bridge. *Notice where each of the lines begin before drawing your line.
Step 12- (Green) Draw the first arc of the bridge. Notice where the arc starts and ends stemming from the vertical line and the triangles that are formed on the front of the bridge.
Step 13- (Yellow) Draw the next arc. *Notice the width of the bricks that depict the front of the bridge. Make sure the arc has a nice curve.
Step 14- (Red) Draw the inner arc of the bridge. Look at the negative space, between the numbers 13 and 14.
Step 15- (Purple) Draw the inner shadow on the right side, of the inner right side of the bridge.
Step 16- Draw the bricks on the front and inside the bridge. Look at the angles and lines on the drawing above, as a guide. Lightly shade in the area on the inside of the bridge. Draw the two walls behind the bridge inside. This is where the water will flow from behind, through and past the bridge.
Step 17 – Begin the cavern walls. Start by drawing a right leaning diagonal line. Begin curving your lines inward and outward. Draw a vertical line down the curves that are projecting outward, or towards the inside of the cavern. These will be the walls of the cavern. Follow the same rules when drawing the front of the cavern when drawing the the back of the cavern behind the bridge. Meaning, when a curve extends outward, draw a vertical line down to create the cavern walls. *It is useful if you shade in crevices and cracks. As your cavern extends into the distance, it becomes narrower and smaller. Feel free to alter your cavern, but make sure you hold up your drawing and see if you clearly see the foreground, middleground, & background is heading back, far into the distance. If not, it may be an angle or a line that needs a simple adjustment.
Step 18- Draw cracks extending out from the sides and the top of the ground.
Up close views of the Anamorphic Cavern, for reference.
In Anamorphic Art: Cavern Part 2- We will complete the picture by coloring in the bridge, cavern, and water.