In order to begin, you must understand the basic rules of 2 Point Perspective. I will apply the rules to begin a cityscape illustrating buildings from different areas. Look to this post, as a reference, and design your own unique cityscape. See the diagram below.
Using this diagram, as a guide, begin the 2 Point Perspective Cityscape. For this project you will need a 2B pencil, 9×12 bristol paper, kneaded eraser, a ruler, .03, .05, and .08 mechanical pens.
Step 1- Draw a horizon line with 2 vanishing points on each end.
Step 2- Draw a straight line a little below half way down the paper and to the right.
Step 3- Put your ruler and your pencil on the vanishing point and pivot the ruler to the top of the line, draw a line. Repeat these steps until all sides are represented, then close off the building with straight lines. Refer to box 3 in the diagram above.
Step 4- Draw the sidewalk coming from the vanishing points towards the foreground on both sides.
Step 5- Put dots on the sidewalk that gets closer together as it approaches the vanishing point. Put your pencil on the vanishing point on the opposite side and pivot to the dot on the sidewalk of the opposite side and draw a line. Repeat steps until the sidewalk is done, then complete the sidewalk on the other side.
Step 6- Notice the top of the buildings are all formed by both vanishing points and the sides of the buildings are all vertical lines. The next examples below follow the same principles.
Step 7- Same principles applied are from Step 6 and box 3 on diagram at the beginning of post.
Step 8- The next building is drawn above the Horizon Line. Look at the first box in the diagram above. The sides of the building are vertical lines and the top of the building come from both Vanishing Points.
Step 9- Use these buildings, as a guide, and design your own cityscape. *Remember to refer to the diagram above when designing your buildings.
Step 10- Put the details on your buildings. The signs, windows, and doors all follow the rules of perspective. Every top and bottom of the doors, windows, and signs come from the Vanishing Point of their respective sides. Every line on the sides of the doors and windows are vertical lines.
Step 11- After you have finished your cityscape, take a kneaded eraser and pick up extra graphite until you have an impression of your cityscape. *Your mechanical pens will not work very well over graphite.
Step 11- Ink your buildings using a ruler. *Remember to clean your pens frequently on a clean piece of paper. Graphite tends to attach itself to the tip of your pen stopping the ink from flowing. Put mountains, water, or a city in the background.
Step 12- Add contrast, shadow, details, and texture to your cityscape. Use your ruler every time you draw or make a line darker.